White Organic Royal Quinoa

It is an Andean cereal, of exceptional nutritional value, rich in vegetable proteins, gluten-free, with a large amount of carbohydrates and an excellent balance of essential amino acids.

Scitific name:Chenopodium Quinoa
Type:Real Quinoa from the Bolivian highlands
Ingredients:100% Quinoa
Organic Certifications:Certified Organicby IMOcert
Presentations:25 Lb. (Paper bag)
10 Lb (Paper bag)
400 g (Plastic bag)
340 g (Cardboard box)
Product Purity:99,98%
Grain size:1.7-2.2mm
Whole grain:99,0%
Sprouted grains:1,0%

Red Organic Royal Quinoa

It is an Andean cereal, of exceptional nutritional value, rich in vegetable proteins, gluten-free, with a large amount of carbohydrates and an excellent balance of essential amino acids.

Scietific name:Chenopodium Quinoa
Type:Real Quinoa from Bolivian highlands
Ingredients:100% Quinoa
Organic Certifications:Certified Organicby IMOcert
Presentations:25 Lb. (Peper bag)
10 Lb (Paper bag)
400 g (Plastic bag)
340 g (Cardboard box)
Product Purity:99,98%
Grain Size:1.7-2.2mm
Whole grain:99,0%
Sprouted grains:1,0%

Tricolor Organic Royal Quinoa

It is an Andean cereal, of exceptional nutritional value, rich in vegetable proteins, gluten-free, with a large amount of carbohydrates and an excellent balance of essential amino acids.
Scientific name:Chenopodium Quinoa
Type:Royal Quinoa from Bolivian highlands
Ingredients:100% Quinoa
Organic Certifications:Certified Organicby IMOcert
Presentations:25 Lb (Paper bag)
10 Lb. (Paper bag)
400 g  (Plastic bag)
340 g (Cardboard box)
Product purity:99,98%
Grais size:1.7-2.2mm
Whole grain:99,0%
Sprouted grains:1,0%

Quinoa flour

Es un cereal andino, de excepcional valor nutricional, rico en proteínas vegetales, sin gluten, con gran cantidad de carbohidratos y un excelente equilibrio de aminoácidos esenciales.

Scientific name:Chenopodium Quinoa
Type:Royal Quinoa from Bolivian Hightlands
Ingredients:100% Quinoa
Organic Certifications:Certified Organicby IMOcert
Presentations:4 Lb(Paper bag)
Product Purity:99,98%
Grain Size:1.7-2.2mm
Whole grain:99,0%
Sprouted grains:1,0%

Royal Quinoa

Native to the Andes of South America mainly in Bolivia and Peru. Quinoa is considered a highly nutritious superfood with a content of proteins and essential amino acids. Its flavor is pleasant, and it can be consumed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Because this food of plant origin contains all the essential amino acids, provides fiber, vitamins and other important nutrients, it is considered by the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture "FAO" as one of the foods with the greatest future to world level.